In India 69 percent of population lives in 6.40 lakhs villages. The share of agriculture in national GDP has come down to 14 % in spite of the fact that 66% of rural male and 82% of rural female are engaged in agriculture as cultivators or labourers.
Loss of job opportunities in agriculture is the primary factor for driving people away from agriculture. Agrarian crises can be gauged from the fact that almost 240000 debt ridden farmers committed suicide between 1995 and 2009.There is an urgent need to strengthen agriculture for slow down of rural to urban migration as well as on-farm and off-farm rural employment to fight rural poverty
Agriculture in India uses 52% of work force but contributes only 14% to the GDP. Agriculture is the main support base of our economy therefore it is needed to make it more productive, so that more employment opportunities are created.
There is enormous scope for raising the productivity of Indian agriculture, doubling crop yields and farm incomes and thereby generating significant growth in demand for farm labour
Food processing can reduce huge losses Rs 55000 Crores in food grains, fruits and vegetables. Value addition can be done in food grains, fruits ,vegetables, dairy products, meat ,poultry, fish and medicinal and aromatic plants
Tourism in India contributes 6.23% of the national GDP and 8.78% of total employment in the country. Agri-tourism can help in generating more jobs in rural areas and which in turn will reduce rural migration. In Maharashtra people in rural area have formed MART (Maharashtra state Agri & Rural Tourism ). In Gujarat Hudka is successful venture.
Promotion of agri tourism needs conceptual convergence with rural tourism, eco tourism, health tourism and adventure tourism.
Tourism in rural areas can only furnish if rural infrastructure in the form of roads ,communication and health is created.
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